
F3T In Missoula

Well, this past Friday I was fortunate to be able to attend F3T's annual stop here in Missoula. The Wilma was sold out on this night, and damn...what a party it ended up being. Most of the films were actually extended trailers, so i'm pretty stoked to actually see the full length versions of several of the films when they come out later in the year. My, and judging from the cheers, most in attendance's favorite had to be Brian Huskey's Doc of the Drakes. A great story about Dr. Robert Franklin who has Parkinson's and his guide Pete Wood and their time fishing Silver Creek in Idaho. Good stuff.

Another excellent short was Sharptail Media's piece on dry fly fishing on the upper Missouri, Sipping Dry. This was the one film that made you just want to head home, grab the gear, the dog, and head for the river.

And, then to top it all off, the fine F3T folks chose my photo from the Missoula showing as their favorite on their Facebook page, and recently sent me a message letting me know a box of swag is heading my way. Pretty damn cool. So, if the F3T brouhaha is headed your way, check it out. I'm definitely looking forward to next year.

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